Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Get Ready For The Day"

My Mother has always been one to tell me............ "Just get ready for the day." When it comes to getting up getting dressed and feeling good about yourself she is the expert. Every single day of her life she has done her makeup and hair. I, on the other hand, have gone through phases of my life where I felt like getting up, getting workout clothes on (so when people see me they think: "Oh, she must have just gone to the gym!") and felt like crap when I would run into people. I made it my New Year's resolution this 2011 to get up, get dressed and get my glam on. I didn't think I would make it all the way to the end of September!!! wow It feels like second nature again! Man, 2010 had it slumps but 2011 had been a much more put together Lindsay.

I went to the source to talk to my readers about what it is like to always look your best. Linda Fleischmann has always inspired me :) In her own words.........

I can still remember my mother telling me in the sixties, "As long has you have a cute haircut and put on your makeup every morning, no matter how simple, it does not matter what your wear." It does not take money to have style and class. If you start each morning by getting yourself ready then even cleaning the house, the random someone stopping by or running into someone in the store who you haven't seen in 10 years will make you feel good. It only takes 15 minutes to slap some makeup on your deserve it. I have never spent a lot of money on clothes. I was always told by my mother, Betty, that you should wear the clothes, the clothes should not wear you. I always seem to wear the classics solids and tailored clothes with fun costume jewelry but I always have on one special, signature piece that is real that always makes the costume jewelry look good "Real Good". I am not a makeup junkie so I use everything from MAC to Drug Store brands. what always makes me chuckle is when I go to a really fancy place, which is not often, I'm always complimented by so many people on how nice I look. It's never "I like your dress" or "your shoes are amazing" its just me, the overall package. With my hair done, make up done you can look like a million dollars without the money to back it up. Just start with YOU when you get up in the morning. Two steps..and they are nearly your hair..put on your make up. I challenge you to not spend a penny and just work with what you already have..wear the smile that God gave you and you wear the clothes like you own it!!! the way always spray some perfume on in the morning after your makeup and hair even if your not going anywhere. Do it for yourself and for the unexpected!!!

if you make this a habit you never have to avoid anyone in the store again

---Linda Fleischmann

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Label Me Lindsay: Double Pony

Get some Poof in your Pony.


2 Rubber Bands
1 Comb

step 1: Divide Hair & clip all the hair from he ears up on top of your head
step 2: Bundle and rubber band the bottom section of hair. Make sure it is tightly secured. You can make this as high or low as desired.
step 3: Rat/Backcomb the top section of hair to desired height
step 4: Gather top "Poofed" hair over bottom, already rubber banded, hair.
step 5: Tie 2nd rubber band over the 1st rubber band with the top hair.
step 6: Use comb to lift top hair to desired height.

Doing this takes weight off of the top section enabling you to pull it up higher.

Good Luck