It is extremely hard in our society to feel like you meet the criteria of a a sexy woman. When all is stripped away, what is left? No makeup, hair pulled back, grungy clothes, over worked, tired and broken. Many women feel like this every once in a while (even the supermodels). The days you wake up and don't want to put on your makeup or get out of your sweats! Those days can be a great way to recharge. It is easy for "those days" turn into "those weeks", "those months" or even "those years". You forget what it is like to get dressed up and feel amazing. At that point.......... you NEED to bring your sexy back! Get out of that funk and feel hotter than hell!
So how can you do that? Definitely not buying an outfit that is too small that you will fit into when you loose 10 lbs. It is about finding things that make you feel great right now. This blog is dedicated to those in a funk who want to climb out and dominate the day! We have to jump start the "Hot Tamale Train" people!
I am not saying that being your best solely depends on your outward appearance. I think beauty runs deep. But, when I feel good about my outsides I am much more productive, confident and open to new things. All, of which, better my insides as well. It is really easy for us, as women, to hate on ourselves when we are in that "Sweatpants Funk". Remember, a lack of self confidence can take a toll on our inner beauty sometimes. NO HATERS ALLOWED!!!
Every woman has the potential to feel and look like a their own 200%.
Here are some easy ways to feel hot in one day:
1. Workout - it feels good to get your endorphins going. If you are like me and hate working out: take a dance class, clean the house, take a walk or something that gets your heart rate up (be creative :) haha). You will be happy you did.

2. Buy a new outfit- get something that you can't wait to put on when you get home. Make sure it fits and shows off your best asset.

5. Take a bubble bath- without your cell phone (I am so addicted to my blackberry so that is the hardest part) light a candle and stay in there longer than you might normally bathe.