Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thinking About Botox?

Long story short I have been a firm believer in Botox since is was introduced to it when I was 22. It has been great friendship the past five years between me and Mr. Tox. This picture speaks for itself ..... 22 years old (left) vs. 27 years old (right)

(I never thought I would be blogging about Label Me Lindsay's opinion on Botox so I tried to find pictures that looked somewhat similar. Photo on the Left was taken in 2005 and the Photo on the Right was Taken in 2010.)

Many Brides and clients of mine pick my brain on beauty tips and regimens they can follow to look youthful and more beautiful ..... BOTOX is a huge question that comes up with woman. And It is not just woman in their 40's and 50's....... Women in their 20's have definitely been more active in hunting down ways to prolong their youth!

Here is the deal... No matter how much cream I rub on my face, hydroxyacids I use for exfoliation, peels or galvanic facial treatments I get.... it is not going to change my forehead from wrinkled to smooth. I don't care what any anti-aging product commercials tell you that product is not botox in a Bottle.... IMPOSSIBLE.

I know that everyone has apprehensive about Botox BUT.... It is used for many other things in human bodies... It treats muscle spasms and other neurological disorders, hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), Misaligned eyes and severe neck and back pain to name a few. So this crazy idea to shoot your face muscles with a toxin isn't just used for vanity.

I have had it done quite a number of times.. and not to diss any of the Doc's and RN's but dang sometimes I felt like a caveman forehead... Way too much!!! I couldn't lift my eyebrows for weeks!!! I totally had to cut bangs! It was awful! So not everyone you go to is going to make you look amazing...it is the injector that makes all the difference...Jan Maxson to the rescue!!! This RN has got it going on. Without Fail... No matter where she is working or who she is working on she hits it out of the park. And not just with the botox... These lips are all her (ok so ... maybe a little bit me too!!!! and the juvederm of course ;)).

So the point is.........
It isn't where you go it is who you go to see.

So Today I got my Laser Hair Removal and my BOTOX and I took some pics... check them out (they are only of the Botox I figured no one wants to see my laser treatment!! hahahaha)

Here is Jan....

Here comes the Botox

AHHHH!!!!.... it is TIME!!!!! (and yes I am letting you see me with NO MAKEUP!!!! that is scary all on its own! hahahah)

Alcohol on the forehead

Ready..... Set....... Go!!!

do that about 6 more times in different places and .....

We are done... No More than 5 minutes!!!

and your forehead, frown lines, crows feet... all of them.. gone (disclaimer.. it takes 3-10 days to kick in)!!!

And she has a great trick to raise the eyebrows... ask her about the silver bullets! Don't worry it really doesn't hurt that bad.. It is a tiny needle...so a little pain goes a long way (3-5 months to be exact). You will love it!

So I guess my long story short turned into a long story longer.. oh well..

If you are interested in any of this.. BOTOX, JUVEDERM, Laser Hair Removal, etc.. let Jan know give her a call she works at the Accetta Institute of Cosmetic Surgery In Huntington Beach.. Call her on her cell that way you get her and not a receptionist and she can answer your questions directly! (562) 595-2007. I like to share my tricks with my clients and readers that are interested so one day when you notice some new funny line you will know who can get rid of it!!!!

I honestly don't know what I am going to do one day when she retires since I will only let her touch my face!!! I already have anxiety.

So thanks to Jan... My forehead is smooth, lips are plumped (not too big of course), and my hair is gone!!!

Thank You JAN MAXSON RN!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo... oh and she is funny as heck!! Not only do you get a needle to the face you get a little dose of stand up!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Favorite Mascara!!

Don't Spend $30+ on mascara. You are supposed to replace mascara at least once every 3 months if not more often. (I get new mascara once a month) Chanel Mascara is almost $50 a tube after Tax! What a rip off. If you replace that mascara every 3 months that is $200 per year!!!! Save the money and try......

Just go to your local Drug Store and go to the makeup section... Loreal Carbon Black Voluminous. I love, Love, LOVE it!!! It is a little over $7 online at rite aid... and sometimes they have it buy one get one free or buy one get one 1/2 off in store. I stock up when I see those deals! Just go try it and see if you like it too!!! Well worth the investment if you have been spending more at Nordies:)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Label Me Lindsay's New Location!!!

I have moved on from painting faces in my kitchen and airbrush tanning in my bedroom!!! It is time Label Me Lindsay grew up... After much thought and debate I have moved out and have a permanent studio for all my creative processes. 11140 Los Alamitos Blvd #203, Los Alamitos CA, 90720. I didn't move far, just 1/2 mile from my home. I have it all ready for all my clients and am sooooo excited for everyone to see it. Most of my friends and clients stopped by on Sept 1st to check out my new creative quarters during my open house. Here are a few pictures for the Label Me Lindsay Open House.

Let the Festivities begin
What is better than wine and cute halloween costumes?.... wine costumes & an airbursh tan!!

Welcome to Label Me Lindsay "The Studio"

With Friends from High School

Friends From work

Everyone Networking.. it was great!


And teacher's!!!

We raffled off Label Me Lindsay Services and other goodies!!!

Everyone got to check out all Label Me Lindsay has to offer!

So the night ended on a great note and everyone enjoyed the open house! I am so thrilled to have all my friends, family & clients all be a part of this exciting move!