Friday, August 3, 2012

The 411 on Eyelash Extensions - things you should know before making an appointment...

The 411 on Eyelash Extensions - things you should know before making an appointment...

1. Did you know that the person applying the lashes should be a licensed esthetician?

2. You might want to ask the esthetician how long they have been doing them, and also how many clients they have each day.

3. Clumps VS. Individuals - Clumps are not considered individuals, you have a higher chance of losing
 your own lash when applying clump lashes. Individuals are an entire different category. At LML we only use the highest quality of individual lashes that are applied directly to the lash and not the skin creating the most natural look.  The Photos Below are the Clump Style Lashes. NOT WHAT YOU WANT BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Find out the level of glue that they use.

5. Find out how long does it take them to apply a full set - and also a fill. At LML we block out 90 minutes for a full set, and 45 minutes for a touch up...this is nothing that should be rushed :)

6. The extension should be applied on the lash, NOT on the skin.

7. All lashes come in different thicknesses and lengths. At LML we do not have one uniformed look when it comes to lashes. The licensed professionals have an artistic eye and will be able to give the most desirable look according to your eye shape.

8. Be aware of lash parties...(see note #1 and #3, most likely these parties are using the clump method).

9. Find out how long the lashes will last before needing a fill.

10. If you've been elsewhere and had a negative experience, do NOT try to take them off by yourself, make an appointment with Lindsay to have them removed properly to not cause any further damage.

Some frequently asked questions:

-I wear contacts, can I get eyelash extensions? - Yes.

-Can I wear makeup? Yes, although applying mascara is not recommended - to the top lashes.

-How much does a full set cost at LML? $150

-How much does a touch up cost at LML? $45

-How much does a touch up PLUS cost at LML? $60

-Can I use Latisse if I get eyelash extensions? No, it makes your lashes grow too fast.

-How long will they last? This depends on your lash growth cycle, everybody is different. Typically they can last anywhere between 2-5 weeks.

-Can I use an eyelash curler? No, there's no need to - the lashes already have a nice shape to them.

-How long do I need to wait before getting them wet? Wait 24-48 hours to allow the glue to dry completely.

-Are my natural eyelashes going to fall out? No, unless you pick them off.

and the last question...

How do I hide the $150 cost for the eyelash extensions from my husband?? When you're out buying 'groceries' for your upcoming gathering make sure to pick yourself up one of those fabulous American Express gift cards and just tell him that the cost of produce has increased drastically - chances are he won't be making a trip to the store anytime soon to check it out...because LML does accept American Express :)