I have moved on from painting faces in my kitchen and airbrush tanning in my bedroom!!! It is time Label Me Lindsay grew up... After much thought and debate I have moved out and have a permanent studio for all my creative processes. 11140 Los Alamitos Blvd #203, Los Alamitos CA, 90720. I didn't move far, just 1/2 mile from my home. I have it all ready for all my clients and am sooooo excited for everyone to see it. Most of my friends and clients stopped by on Sept 1st to check out my new creative quarters during my open house. Here are a few pictures for the Label Me Lindsay Open House.

Let the Festivities begin

What is better than wine and cute halloween costumes?.... wine costumes & an airbursh tan!!

Welcome to Label Me Lindsay "The Studio"

With Friends from High School

Friends From work

Everyone Networking.. it was great!


And teacher's!!!

We raffled off Label Me Lindsay Services and other goodies!!!

Everyone got to check out all Label Me Lindsay has to offer!

So the night ended on a great note and everyone enjoyed the open house! I am so thrilled to have all my friends, family & clients all be a part of this exciting move!