You can buy Goody's Spin Pins at any drug store.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Smear Some Vaseline

What can Vaseline do for you? It seems to me like the world has forgotten about this very simple product that can be very useful!!!! You all have it in your cupboards or drawers somewhere... I know you do. Bust it out and put it to use! Before I share its beauty functions I would like to share a story with you all that I can't ever get out of my head when I think of Vaseline.
It was a long day at the dance studio when I was a young girl, probably about 6 years old. My mom was sitting peacefully watching my dance class..... when.... all of the sudden my dad comes rip-roaring into the dance studio with a look of panic and frustration on his face.
"Linda, you need to come outside immediately! We have a situation" he blurted out.
My mother followed him outside where he lead her to his car. There was my brother sitting there in the back seat of a 65 Mustang half naked on a towel with a seat belt strapped across his tummy .
My mom noticed something strange right away "Steve, why is Matthew Glistening?"
My Father couldn't even get out the right words to explain the situation. "I have bathed him numerous times with the same result......He is still SHINNY!!!!"
He went on to share that my brother, still in dippers, had opened up a giant jar of Vaseline, scooped out the entire jar and smeared it all over his head, body and THE CARPET!!!! Let's just say that my brother eventually got "un-shinny" but the carpet never recovered. For years there was an area rug strategically placed over the greased up area until the carpet was replaced years later.
So every time I think about Vaseline I think of that day when I was 6 years old.
But there are better stories with Vaseline that can make you look more beautiful on a daily basis.
From HEAD to TOE
1. Style your Locks: If you don't have gel or hairspray you can sub in Vaseline. Just rub a little in your finger tips and rummage it through your hair to sass up a new do. Make sure you don't use too much it could become a greasy tease in no time.
2. Manage your Brows: Instead of using brow gel you can use Vaseline to keep your brows in place. Just put a little on your finger or use a brow comb.
3. Magic Makeup Remover: if you don't have a way to get your makeup off at your boyfriends house because all he has is a soggy bar of zest in the shower... USE Vaseline!!! It works great to get your eye makeup off if you are in a bind.
4. The Obvious: Lip gloss. Vaseline can make you lips look shinny and keep them from becoming chapped during these colder months.
5. Sparkle Up Your Smile: Apply a tiny bit of Vaseline on your teeth. It will guarantee that your lips won't get stuck on dry teeth when you smile and it will give your enamel some extra sparkle. Beauty pageants contestants have used this trick for decades.
6. Soften Your Feet: After you take a cozy bath cover your heels and toes in Vaseline and put some thick socks on. In the AM you will be loving your soft piggys.
Let me know if there are any other ways you can use Vaseline to improve your looks.
Now go experiment!!!
xoxo Lindsay
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I am SOOOO over eyeshadow!!!!

For this week at least;)
Because I do my makeup everyday I can get lazy and sloppy.... God's Honest truth!!! It pains me to admit this fact but I am a recovering "wear workout clothes everyday with no makeup so it looks like I just went to the gym" girl. If you have not heard It is was my New Years resolution in 2011 to wear a cute outfit and do my hair and makeup every day. Which I HAVE!!!! Wow the first New Years Resolution that I have ever kept.
Back to the lazy and sloppy part.... At least I am putting it on, right? When something is your job you kind of forget to do your job on yourself. Or, maybe it is just a ME-Specific problemo.
I had a brilliant idea yesterday... FORGET the EYESHADOW!!!! That is just an un-needed step in my getting ready process!!!!
I could save a couple of minutes a day getting ready if I just hid my eyeshadow pallettes. For this winter season I am skipping the shadow and letting the liner do all the work.
And... because I am horrible about not picking at eyelash extensions (which would be my first choice) I am going to put fake lashes on everyday. I am feeling the 60's vibe through my entire body and I am going to go with it.
Lots of Lashes.... Lots and Lots of Eyeliner and, of course, chiseled brows.
I am going to do that everyday, mark my words. For if I fail to follow through I hope all of you will call me out!
xoxo Lindsay
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dia De Los Muertos
This year for Halloween I had a number of clients request "Dia De Los Muertos" makeup. I have seen this Style of makeup but had not created this look myself. I figured it was time to do a little research on this Halloween Type Holiday to prepare for all these makeup jobs.
I will share some of the information I found with you. Don't quote me on any of this..... I am not a Dia De Los Muertos Expert. hahahha

xoxo LML
Dia De Los Muertos is translated to "The Day of the Dead" in English, for those who missed the bus in Spanish class :) It is a Mexican holiday lining up with the Catholic Holidays All Saints Day and All Souls Day that dates back hundreds of years. It is believed that the spirit of the dead come to visit their families on October 31st and leave on November 2nd. They see this as a celebration and a time to give offerings to the departed.

Every culture has its own way of dealing with death, mourning and the afterlife. We have Halloween which is a fun way to see ghosts, goblins and ghouls. We go trick-or-treating and give candy away. It makes us think about death and scary things in a light hearted way.
Some of the offerings include Mexican Marigolds, photos, food and beverages, crosses, skulls made of sugar and decorated with bright colors. The photo bellow is a refection of these sugar skulls that are used during this Holiday. Where as, the photo above is a more traditional Day of the Dead face painting.

Dia De Los Muertos is a bit more personal. Those who celebrate are remembering those that have passed and making joy out of death. It is a way of looking death in the face and saying "so what, it happens and we are going to party with it painted on our faces."

This was such a fun twist on the traditional Halloween Skull. I had a great time creating all of these faces!!! Thank you to Alli Mizu, Anna Mason, Heather Page and Sean Thomas for letting me turn you in to such scary, yet bright, skeleton heads!!!
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