Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Amp Up" Your Accessories!!!

This year I had a "New" New Year's Resolution. Last year I choose to pick the resolution of : get dressed in a cute outfit, do my hair, do my makeup and feel good every single day. I did it!!! and....I succeeded! I did that every day last year and had a great year! It actually changed my life. When you feel good, you do amazing things. I was feeling really frumpy and down in 2010 and 2011 changed 180 degrees starting with GETTING DRESSED. It seems so lame and simple but it takes work! Once you get the hang of it you really feel better about yourself. It is part of my lifestyle and I never am ashamed running into someone I haven't seen in a while.

So.... This year!!!!!


I decided to choose a New Year's Res that was kind of bland... or so I thought. I have been "not good" with accessories!!!! I had the bracelets and necklaces down.... but.... I had a problem with EARRINGS!!!! So lame!!! I can't believe it, but every time I put earrings on, I would take them off. I don't think I wore earrings for 5-10 years before this year (maybe on occasion, when forced). I always felt uncomfortable with earrings.  My mother would always say "Lindsay, put some earrings on!!!!" and I would and then 2 seconds later they would be off. I didn't like the way they looked!

This being my struggle, I tried to embrace the accessories this year. I never have had a good selection of jewelry. Not that I would ever spend a fortune on Jewelry but this was the year I would get into the costume S*&@!!!

I have been trying really hard ... and is paying off!!!! I am loving it and pushing everyone to be "into accessories"!

Bottom line... you can wear the same black dress 3 times and wear some amazing earrings, belts, purses, necklaces, shoes and rings to make the dress look totally different!!! Here is what I have been working on...


 Bracelets and Necklaces....
 And the Long Dangley Earrings that are totally "look at this ridiculousness" !!!!....
So how do you do this on a budget? well since you asked....

Here is where I have been Accessory shopping...

TJmaxx... they have great higher end jewelry at a discount. problem: you have to find an employee to help you at the jewelry counter. They are really bad with customer service in this area. Be bold and get them to dig into the glass case for you!!! Great Lucky Brand jewelry, Betsy Johnson, Michael Kors and More

Nordstrom Rack: this is a fab place to find cheap jewelry!!! you can find some super cool earring and rings for like $5- $10  on the discount rack! they also have some cool Designer stuff and other great items that can cost a little more but so much cheaper than at the department stores

Sears: I know that sounds tacky... but surprisingly  they have some awesome, okay quality jewelry. Always have deals but.... there is a lot of ugly things you have to sift through. You can find some pretty awesome stuff and everyone asks me "where did you get that?" and I say sears... and everyone flips out!!!

BEBE: bebe is always up to date and ready for you to buy. This is not department store pricing so you can afford it! Sometime there is over the top "tack factor" but sometimes that is fun!

Forever 21: got to love the accessories... so cheap! but.... the quality is poor. Everything turns green, breaks and is over the top "trendy". If you know you are only going to use it 1-3 times go for it. It is worth it!!!

Any clearance rack, discount store, consignment  or outlet are always a score so go check out some cool places to buy some fun new jewelry!!! I pick something up where ever I go and you can add to your collection faster than you think! I am still on the prowl for some awesome finds... take this journey with me and see how many cool pieces you can find!

Post them on my facebook wall!!!



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