Back to the tinting (I am the queen of shinny objects... always on a tangent)
If you have blonde lashes you notice a drastic difference in the apperance of your lashes when you put mascara on. You look at yourself all day with mascara, so when you get home and wash off your makeup you have light lashes staring back at you, you don't even feel like yourself. In some cases those with light lashes might shy away from others seeing them with no makeup. I know this because, many of my clients share with me their thoughts and feelings on beauty on a daily basis.
Solution: get your Tint ON Girl!!!! (or guy, I am not going to discrimate)

It only takes 10-20 minutes. It is going to save you time putting on your makeup in the morning. You wont have to coat every single lash perfectly with mascara or worry about getting all the way down to the root. You wont have to worry about penciling in both eyebrows exactly the same. They will already be penciled in. AND>>>>>>>>>> huge bonus: when you don't have makeup on you will feel like you have mascara and brow pencil on. You just might feel more confident being makeupless!
Here is the process for Lash Tinting.....
Eye pads are put under the bottom lashes to stop the tint from staining under your eye, the tint is applied, it processes and it is taken off. That is it! It can sting for a couple minutes but it is worth it. It is not "hair color" it is a vegetable dye. That is why it lasts between 3-5 weeks instead of the full lifespan of each eyelash.
Here is a photo of the tint processing......

What a difference a tint makes:)

Again... I always tell readers.... do your own research! Look it up, see if it could be something for you:) Ask me questions if you have any!!!!
**** Story
Hair Color at age 11:
Around age 10 my blonde hair from childhood started to turn. It turned very quickly! I went from blonde to brown hair in a matter of a year or two. My mother (if you know her you know her this will make so much sense) wasn't having any of that! She remembered when she was 18 she used Sun-In to lighten her hair, must of slipped her mind that it turned her hair ORANGE!!!!! We sprayed it on and blow dryed it. It got a little lighter and it, for sure, turned MY hair orange! Her best friends sister was a hairstylist in Burbank. We took drive out there and had my orange hair "fixed" (this was all part of her plan, I swear! hahahahaha). Instead of my hair being lighter than brown, it was White Blonde! We all loved it! I have been Blonde ever since. I did dye my hair dark once and boy did I learn my lesson. It lasted a full two days of me crying! I look awful as a brunette. Orange hair at 11 turned into a lifetime blessing:) Love you MOM! Thanks you for always letting me be creative and girly!!!! It gave me the tools to have an awesome adult job!...
Around age 10 my blonde hair from childhood started to turn. It turned very quickly! I went from blonde to brown hair in a matter of a year or two. My mother (if you know her you know her this will make so much sense) wasn't having any of that! She remembered when she was 18 she used Sun-In to lighten her hair, must of slipped her mind that it turned her hair ORANGE!!!!! We sprayed it on and blow dryed it. It got a little lighter and it, for sure, turned MY hair orange! Her best friends sister was a hairstylist in Burbank. We took drive out there and had my orange hair "fixed" (this was all part of her plan, I swear! hahahahaha). Instead of my hair being lighter than brown, it was White Blonde! We all loved it! I have been Blonde ever since. I did dye my hair dark once and boy did I learn my lesson. It lasted a full two days of me crying! I look awful as a brunette. Orange hair at 11 turned into a lifetime blessing:) Love you MOM! Thanks you for always letting me be creative and girly!!!! It gave me the tools to have an awesome adult job!...
Okay, one more story about my mom.......
I always had a fascination with makeup and high heels. I think that is why I wear so much makeup and have worn heels almost everyday since 9th grade! When I was about 5 or 6, I went snooping under the sink where, I knew, my mom kept the curling iron. I pulled it out, hid in the living room behind a big chair and plugged it in. I waited for it to heat up and went to work. I curled a few tendrils and then lost grip of the iron. It hit my wrist and gave it quite the burn. Instead of crying or screaming, because I knew I would be in big trouble, I quietly went into the bathroom, put back the curling iron and found a cartoon band aid to put on the burn. A few minutes later when I was talking with my mom, she asked "Why is there a band aid on your wrist, Lindsay?" I responded with "Mom, I wasn't using the curling iron behind the chair!" I was caught, "RED HAND-BURNED"! Instead of being mad, she asked if I was okay. After I told her I was fine and she checked out how much damage I had done, she laughed. Then she took me in the bathroom and taught me how to use the curling iron the safe and correct way. That is what kind of mom I have, an awesome one! I give all the credit for helping me find the woman I am today!
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