Never doing something, sometimes, makes it a little scary. For example, someone who has never eaten sushi... Eating raw fish does seem strange and foreign. The longer that person waits to try this yummy grub the chances of them ever eating it go down. The fear of the unknown, I guess. Just like me being a chicken and never snowboarding due to my fear of breaking my leg and never dancing again. Well, this year I decided I was going to do a list of things that I have never done .... things that I would be considered a virgin at, so-to-speak (much, of which, are not in the beauty realm). I think many women are "Virgins" in my makeup/beauty world. And I think that everyone needs lose their big "V" on something new this year! So If you are reading this pick one thing and blame me if it ruins your life ;)
1. Eyelash Virgins- When ever I do weddings I find it hard to believe how many women have never worn False lashes. I could understand women my mom's age.... wait.... I take that back. how did grow up in the 60's and 70's and never wear lashes? Why would you never want to,at least try and look like this for one day out of your life?
Just give it a whirl! It isn't going to............ kill you, harm you, pull your lashes out, make people think you are a hussy. It is one day of your life and If you hate it... Don't do it again but ... If you love it It might just make you feel a little hotter :)
2.Hair Dye Virgins-- I know some people pride themselves on "I have never dyed my hair". Why? You know what that says to me .... BORING! I am asleep right now just thinking about it. And when I style "virgin hair" what does it do?.... um.. nothing! It goes Limp (no pun intended :) ) . damage that hair up a bit it will make it hold curl better, have more volume..... and Hey... you might LIKE IT! And if you don't....You can dye it back :) You only life once :) I am not telling you to try what this little DIVA has going on to my left (on a side note: it is totally cool on her and she will remember that hair when she has 3 kids and drives a mini van and thinks "I was a bad ass. I wish I could pull that off at 35!") Let's liven up that mousey brown hair. Lighter or Darker can really amp up your natural beauty (you don't have to bleach your hair)! And some light blondes look amazing with dark hair (I am not included in that "some")!
3. Eyebrow Waxing Virgins............ We don't need any Frida Kahlo's running around town. Eyebrows are the most important thing on your face. (Hopefully, by now, you all know how obsessed I am with them!!!!) I remember some of my friends moms being sooooooo "anti-eyebrow plucking". My mom and I never understood it. She always shared the importance of grooming to me:) Even if you just tweeze the hair that are way out of the natural line. It isn't a life changing decision. Although Once you see how clean your brows feel and how amazing they look... it just might be! Go outside of the box and wax, tweeze, thread, sugar.... what ever you feel like.... You eyebrows will grow back. When older women tell you that they plucked them out and they never grew back.... they just have thinning eyebrows. That happens when you get older you lose hair where you want it and it starts growing in places you don't want it! Like your chin... I totally found my first chin hair!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I freaked! Lasered that right off!!!

4. Middle Part Virgins............ I am sooooo guilty!!!! I was 16 when I went from bangs to a side part. For the last 12 years I have swooped my bangs from left to right! I sore up and down that I would NEVER part my hair DOWN the MIDDLE!!!! "I am no Hippie" is what I thought haha. UNTIL.............. I kept watching the Kardashians. I couldn't get over how stinking beautiful they were! They would always part their hair down the center. So one day I tried it. I HATED it at first but once I got used to it I LOVED it!!! It gives me a new fresh look. Who knows how long I will let this trend last on my head but it was really fun to try something new.

5. Bottom Mascara Virgins--- What the heck people.... put a little mascara on the bottom... your lower lashes want your love too!!!!! Try it for a week and get used to it... they don't have to be tarantula legs! Just a smidge on those short little buggers!!!!
So ladies... and Gentleman (manscaping is all the rage)MY POINT IS....................... try something new, just for fun. It doesn't have to be permanent. How about you wear some red lipstick or get a new color of nail polish. Do something! It really can be so much fun! I con people into doing sooooooooooooooooo much stuff they would never do! And They love it (most of the time that is)!!! If you listen to me and branch out it might just effect your life in a positive way!!! Hey I am getting my mom off the Blue eyeliner in her water line (that is the wet part between your eyelashes and your eyeball) as we speak... she wants black... STAT!!! She almost 57 and She has worn that blue liner for at least 20 years (I hope not 40)..... If she is willing to change you all need to find something to make life more exciting!!!!
De-Virginize Your Beauty Regiment!!!!!
Lindsay xoxo (I have to kind bite gossip girl here :)
Love it Lindsay! I laughed when I read about the Kardashian's part down the middle because I too have thought the same thing (maybe over thought it a little). I am still working on the eyebrow thing and will probably need to visit you but thanks for reminding me that I was still a virgin in some areas :)
ReplyDelete-Brie Wells
I LOVE being a virgin to new things LML!!! XOXOXO... PS- Love my feathers & my new HAIR!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your beauty tips!!! You rock!!!